Facilities Screen Overview

Learn the basics of viewing each facility and the data inside of Adverank with this video.

Hello and welcome to another Adverank Cloud Application tutorial. Today we're going to be doing an overview of your facilities list screen, which is a list of all of your facilities that are in Adverank. Now, when you first log into Adverank, you're actually going to be on the entire portfolio view. So in order to get to the facilities list, you simply click on the Adverank link up here at the top left. And that will take you to your facilities list. 

Facilities Screen Overview (2)

Now first I want to show what the color coding on this list is about. At the top here in the light blue. You will see locations where Adverank is suggesting a daily budget increase for your advertising. So this current location for this dummy account was spending $60 per day and Adverank suggesting an increase of $18.

Facilities Screen Overview (5)
Now, below these light blue in the darker blue, we actually have locations where Adverank is suggesting a budget decrease. Now, these are locations that have already met or exceeded their occupancy goals, are doing well and Adverank Is saying that you could actually spend a little bit less at these locations and still maintain the occupancy goal that you have.

Facilities Screen Overview (9)
If you're good with all of the suggestions that we're making here for increase and decrease suggestions. You can click on the one click adjust button. And then you would click okay, which we're not going to do right now. But that would accept all of those suggestions at one time. Below the one click adjust. 

You may have some locations that appear in purple. Now, these are locations where Adverank has determined with the help of Microsoft Azure that you need a little extra help. This is done by running an AI algorithm called Singular Spectrum Analysis. We run a forecasting model where we looked at the last six months of data that we've been collecting from your property management software, and we use Microsoft Azure to crunch those numbers and forecast which locations will be stagnant or not budge more than a percent or two in its occupancy.

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Now, these are locations that need more help and may be a good candidate for a social boost campaign, and those will be listed here. And just below the purple, you will see locations in this light gray. Now these are locations that are on target to meet the occupancy goals with the current budget. And you don't need to make any kind of adjustments there up or down.

So that's just a quick little overview of the color coding. Now if you click on any location we'll stick here. We'll click on Evansville East here you will get more information at the top here in the top right. You can confirm your budget adjustment. And this is if you want to confirm the adjustment just for this particular location. You can click on confirm. And then you would click confirm again you can modify the adjustment. Right now we're suggesting a $16 increase. But if you wanted to only make that an $8 increase you could do that. And then you will click next and confirm. But we're going to skip that for now. 

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You can also snooze the adjustment. Let's say that you don't want to receive any more budget suggestions for a particular location. You can snooze that for a month, a week, or a day. And then you can also adjust your goal. Let's say you're getting budget increases, but you're happy with where your occupancy is. Right now this is set at 97%. So if you wanted to bring that down to 91% or 92%, that would obviously have an impact on the budget suggestions you're getting, because that is one of the key metrics that we take into account, along with everything from your property management software to give you, those budget adjustments.
And if you want to dig deeper into the numbers behind these suggestions, you can click on details. And at first you will have your total net revenue for this location. Move-ins, move-outs, occupancy, daily vacancy cost, and length of stay. This is the average number of days that a tenant is staying at this particular location. And just as with the portfolio view, you can switch between year, month, and week.

You can also dig deeper into your advertising numbers. You can see how many PPC clicks this location has received through advertising. You can see how many new leads, or we define a new lead as a reservation. How many reservations that you've received? How many of those reservations have been converted into actual tenants? So these are converted leads. And then what your cost per lead is for that location.
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You can also see what your monthly PPC budget is. And this is whatever your daily budget is over a 30 day period. This would be your monthly PPC budget. And how much of that budget has already been spent so far in the month? 

Now, the last thing I want to show you is probably the most important number here on this page, and that is your PPC ad shortfall. Now, this is the percentage of all of the people who are going onto Google and searching keywords that would lead them to your location, whether it's, self-storage near me, self-storage in my area, boat and RV parking. Whatever keywords they're searching. This is the percentage of people that you're not reaching who are making those searches in your area because you're limited by budget.

And this is obviously one of the key metrics that we use in determining whether or not you need to increase your budget, because if you're not hitting your occupancy goal, and we see that there are a lot of people that are not seeing your ads, that you're not reaching, that is obviously an indicator that you're missing out on a lot of potential, tenants.

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So that is a really important number that you want to take a look at. And you can do this for any location, whether it's one that we've suggested in increase four or even one that we haven't, or especially you might want to look at it for the ones that we're suggesting a social boost, you can go deeper into those numbers as well.
Now that was just a quick overview of everything you can do on the facilities list screen, and how to dig deeper into the numbers behind some of our suggestions. If you want to learn more about how to use the Adverank Cloud application, check out some of our other helpful how to videos. Thank you so much!