Once you start receiving alerts for budget recommendations from Adverank, here is what you need to do to accept them.
Hello and welcome to this Adverank Cloud Application tutorial, where we will be discussing how to accept a budget recommendation. So, if you've already started with Adverank Cloud, you're probably getting our daily budget recommendations. And if you would like to accept those recommendations, simply log into your Adverank Cloud account. The first thing you will see is the entire portfolio screen.
Click on Adverank up here to the top left which brings up your facilities list. Up here at the top of the facilities list. You will see our recommendations for both increases and decreases. So here at the top location, Evansville East, we're suggesting an increase of just over $22, while Evansville West is has a suggested decrease of $5.
If you want to individually accept or reject these budget recommendations, you can click on a particular location. Let's say Evansville East, which brings up their details to the right of the screen. If you want to modify it, we have a video on how to do that. But if you want to go ahead and confirm that budget recommendation, you would simply click on Confirm Advertising Adjustment and then come down here and click confirm which will finish it.
But I'm not going to do that just yet because there's also another way that you can accept budget recommendations. Let's say that you're happy with all the recommendations that we've made, and you want to just accept them all with one click. You would simply click on the one click, adjust, which then brings on this next pop up that allows you to go ahead and click okay, which now accepts all of those recommendations with one click. And that's it. You're done.
Thank you so much for checking out this how to tutorial for the Adverank Cloud application. Be sure to check out some of our other videos if you have any other questions. Or as always, you can reach out to us. Thank you so much.