Adverank will use AI to set a recommended budget, but here is how you can modify that recommendation for something you prefer.
Hello and welcome to this Adverank Cloud Application tutorial, where we will be discussing how to adjust a budget recommendation. Like always, when you first log in, you will be on the entire portfolio screen. Simply click on Adverank up here to the top left and that brings up your facilities list. Find the facility that you want to make the adjustment to.
So up here at the top in these two light blue sections on Indy-West, we're suggesting a budget increase of $40 taking them from $100 a day to 140. But let's say that you as the customer want to adjust, that you would simply click on in Indy-West, bringing their details over here on the right side of the screen.
Now find the button that says Modify Advertising Adjustment. Click on that. And that brings up this new window that allows you to adjust that. So let's say instead of going up $40, you only want it to go up $20. So we're going to change this to 120 instead of 140. And you would simply click on next and then confirm.
And now that adjustment has been made. And as you see over here to the top left on your facilities list, that location is no longer in the top. It's down here. And that is how you make an advertising adjustment to any location. Thank you so much for watching this Advent Cloud application tutorial. Be sure to check out some of our other videos.
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