How to Snooze A Budget Recommendation

Don't want to keep getting alerts for a budget recommendation? Watch this video to learn how to hit the snooze.

Hello and welcome to this Adverank Cloud Application tutorial, where we will be discussing how to reject or snooze a budget recommendation. So when you first log in, you want to go up to the Adverank link up here at the top, which brings up your facilities list. You have two facilities at the top here where we are suggesting a budget recommendation.

How to Snooze A Budget Recomendation (3)
In this dummy account it is Evansville-East and Columbus. If you want to stop receiving that for a while from Columbus, you can click on that location and go over here to where it says snooze. And that now gives you the option to snooze, the recommendation for a day, a week,  or a month so that you will not be getting another recommendation for a budget increase for that location for that time period.

How to Snooze A Budget Recomendation (5)

So if you want to snooze it for a week, you will simply click on that. And now that location has dropped off your list here as one of the locations where we're suggesting a budget. And that is how you snooze or reject a budget recommendation.

How to Snooze A Budget Recomendation (7)