How to View Your Budget Recommendations

Learn where to find all of your budget recommendations inside of Adverank

Hello and welcome to this Adverank Cloud Application tutorial. If you've just recently joined with Adverank you're probably already getting our daily budget recommendations in your email. 

How to View Your Budget Recomendations (4)

You can also view those recommendations directly here, through advent cloud applications simply by logging in, which will bring you to this portfolio view and then you'll go up here to the top left where it says Adverank. Click on that, and right here you have your facilities list view which gives you all of the recommendations. The light blue area or where we are recommending a budget increase. Dark blue are budget decreases. The purple is where we are suggesting a social boost. And then the light gray are the areas where we are not suggesting any kind of increase or decrease.

How to View Your Budget Recomendations (7)

And that is how you can view your budget recommendations through the Adverank Cloud application. Thank you so much. And be sure to check out some of our other helpful how to videos.