Viewing Daily Vacancy Cost

Learn where to find and utilize the daily vacancy cost metric in Adverank.

Hello and welcome to this Adverank Cloud Application tutorial on viewing your daily vacancy cost. Now, through the Adverank Cloud application, you can actually view this by location or for your entire portfolio. So when you first log in to the Adverank  Cloud application, you're actually going to be on portfolio view the entire portfolio view automatically. So over here on the right you will see your daily vacancy cost for your entire portfolio.

Viewing Daily Vacancy Cost (9)

If you want to view this for a particular location, simply click on the Adverank link over here to the top left, which brings you to your facilities list and you can click on any location within this list. And then go to the right and click on details. And that will bring up your occupancy and revenue stats, which will include your daily vacancy cost.

Viewing Daily Vacancy Cost (6)

And that is how you view that for either the entire portfolio or by location. And if you want to get back to the entire portfolio view, just simply click on summary and that will bring you back to that view as well. Thank you for checking out this Advent Cloud application tutorial, and be sure to check out some of our other helpful how to videos.

Viewing Daily Vacancy Cost (2)